Karmen Halı

Ethics Policy

Welcome to Karmen Carpet Company. We take great pride in our reputation for honesty, integrity and ethical business practices. In order to maintain this reputation, we have developed the following ethical policy for all our employees:

  • Compliance with Laws and Regulations: Being aware of the fact that complying with laws and regulations is a fundamental part of ethical business practices, Karmen Carpet works by adhering to all laws and regulations applied in our country.
  • Integrity and Integrity: We expect our employees to always act with honesty and integrity. This means being accurate, transparent and clear in all business dealings. We do not tolerate any deceptive, misleading or fraudulent behavior.
  • Treating Employees Fairly: At Karmen Halı, we believe that all employees should be treated with respect and dignity. We provide equal employment opportunities to all working individuals, regardless of race, colour, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability or any protected status, without tolerating discrimination, harassment or other ill-treatment.
  • Safety: We are committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment for our employees. This means providing appropriate training, equipment and resources to prevent accidents and injuries. We also take measures to identify and mitigate potential hazards and conduct regular safety audits and inspections.
  • Confidentiality: Private information about employees is not shared with third parties without the employee's permission and knowledge, except for legal obligations.
  • Conflict of Interest: Situations that may create a conflict of interest between our personal interests and those of the company are avoided.
  • Ethical Behavior in Business Relations: All our business relationships are conducted in an ethical and responsible manner. This means treating suppliers, customers and other stakeholders with respect and fairness. There is no behavior that may be perceived as unethical or unprofessional.
  • Reporting Violations: We encourage all employees to report violations of our ethics policy. We investigate all reports of suspected fraud and take appropriate action to address violations. We also protect employees from retaliation for reporting violations in good faith.

These are the basic principles that guide our ethical policy at Karmen Halı. We believe that by maintaining these standards, we can create an ethical and successful workplace.