Karmen Halı

Occupational Health and Safety Policy

Karmen Tekstil San. and Tic. Ltd. Sti as; With the awareness that our employees are our most valuable asset while carrying out our production activities, we aim to provide OHS services in accordance with legal, scientific and ethical criteria in order for our personnel to reach the best conditions in terms of health and safety in all our activities.

Within the framework of this policy;

  • To monitor, evaluate, plan and coordinate the OHS services offered to our employees, visitors and other stakeholders, and to ensure that guidance, inspection, corrective and preventive activities are carried out,
  • To effectively fulfill the occupational health and safety practices of our employees, to provide opportunities for all OHS trainings that may be required, and to monitor the effectiveness of the trainings,
  • Taking into account the development of the industrial world, making risk analysis and predicting possible situations that may be encountered in the future, aiming to take the necessary precautions and minimize the risk level,
  • To provide continuous update/renewal on OHS issues and to plan measurable targets,
  • To comply with the laws and administrative regulations regarding OHS in force,
  • To realize the sustainable goal of “Zero work accident and occupational disease” in our institution by continuously improving our occupational health and safety culture,

We are committed as our OHS policy.